A week of traveling on the road will do you in, “inn” literally traveling across in the country. Which, in turn is only causing more of a cost in our pockets. Staying across the united states from hotel to B&b to inn is exhausting to ourselves (and sometimes our four-legged friends). As we stayed in various places, we continually checked for bed begs, ate sub-par food, stayed in used beds, and put our dog through an energy-sucking trip. However, it was a beautiful endeavor. And that’s why we will continue to do it.
But it will be in a tiny home. Across the U.S.A.. From my home state of Massachusetts, to my mother’s native roots of Tennessee, to my beautiful life in Texas, to my journeys of Colorado and beyond to California. I see myself in the Pacific Northwest of Washington, standing before massive glaciers and cool streams. I see myself in the wrapping mountains of Colorado, feeling nature’s healing powers beneath my tingling feet.
This is why I choose to fill my life with exotic experiences, a tiny life.