Tiny House Summer Camp with Derek “Deek” Diedricksen was a more than memorable experience. This is the third workshop I have completed with Deek. Each time I enjoy connecting with other attendees, working with his team, and building unique projects! This year there were multiple builds going on. This workshop I particularly spent a lot of time working on a cabin from a previous workshop. Lessons I learned on this project was how to shingle, how to put in windows, how to put on trim, and how to jack up a sinking structure.
Between the tree house build, tiny house trailer build, and multiple guest speakers, I learned an incredible amount of information. Not to mention, I made some great friends! I am always looking out for workshops with Deek and will keep attending them. There is a plethora of information on tiny houses and it seems that each time I attend I learn more and more. Looking forward to the next workshop. Thanks Deek!